charlenelingling says
13 years ago
每天都是面对棕油... :-&
latest #13
掰噗~ says
13 years ago
你怎麼會這樣想!? (unsure)
rich ppl is like that de..
charlenelingling says
13 years ago
if rich then i face $$ already enough lo...buat apa see those palm oil invoice? (annoyed)
cuz wanna count your profit mah
charlenelingling says
13 years ago
yalo....if can then i want to sell my fat-oil and count $$.. (annoyed)
13 years ago
if can i also wan sell :-D
charlenelingling says
13 years ago
fat oil?haha...
beesiong_87 says
13 years ago
charlenelingling says
13 years ago
beesiong 偷什么哦?你那边大把钱咯。。快快去投资。。
charlenelingling says
13 years ago
emerson yala!!! so what....
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