groovify ♪ is
13 years ago
gastro update; aka, my doctor is clever and prescribed something for my issues but didn't tell me lol
latest #10
groovify ♪ says
13 years ago
she didn't explain it to me so i don't feel any better about being her patient but i am happy about this
groovify ♪ says
13 years ago
she was just like, oh, let's try prevacid, it does what prilosec does but! so i thought i got the wrong one
groovify ♪ says
13 years ago
because with the website for prevacid it says dexilant is the one that does what i want
groovify ♪ says
13 years ago
over the counter prevacid just does repressing acid. and dexilant represses acid but has a primary
groovify ♪ says
13 years ago
function over that for healing the stomach/producing less acid/etc
groovify ♪ says
13 years ago
apparently prevacid prescription is the other way around
groovify ♪ says
13 years ago
so it's still going to repress stomach acid and heal my stomach!
groovify ♪ says
13 years ago
also you can only eat it with meals and i have it three times a day, so she was clever there
groovify ♪ says
13 years ago
zoloft makes it so i can't feel hunger so that's why sometimes i go so long without eating: I just don't remember.
groovify ♪ says
13 years ago
now i have to remember
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