that light is rapidly taking over the denser areas of darkness. It does not seem to be that way, we know. You hear so much from your news
media that speaks only of darkness and discouragement, but believe us when we say your light is permeating the darkness like never before.
The discouraging events that so many have experienced and are still experiencing are a necessary part of shifting man
into new ways of seeing and understanding life. You see, it is through the "disasters" that those who would not otherwise
awaken to the truth about living and oneness are now awakening. Before these mutual experiences, there were "others,"
those simply thought of as strangers. Strangers with perhaps strange customs, strange beliefs, strange clothing, strange
foods--but now because they suffer just as you, they have become neighbors-you see? This is the evolutionary
movement into a consciousness of oneness from the old energy of separation.
We say to you that much is about to occur on your Earth--much that will seem to be frightening if you are not prepared.
Understand that those who insist upon staying in darkness, believing whatever they are told by those to whom they have
given their power, will experience the coming changes from a place of much fear. It is those of you who are awakened
that will then begin your work of assisting them if they are open to it. You will become the teachers, helping many to
understand what is taking place with the arrival of those dear ones from other places who wish only to help you in your
personal and planetary ascension. Many will not believe, choosing instead to hold on to the decaying remains of a
consciousness that is leaving. However, this is their choice.