into your daily life.
As your year progresses you may wish to pause, to oversee the progress many of you have already
made in this year of preparation. Preparation of the first steps of your enlightenment. Can you be still? Can you sit quietly,
breathe energy into your heart centre, and oversee the experience of your higher journey? I ask you to make time available for this.
Go back and view your steps. For some, these will be great steps. For others perhaps an acknowledgement that deep within you,
there is a higher awareness, the small voice you hear, but until recently had refused to listen to, refused to acknowledge.
If you relate to this I applaud you on your great awakening. Your next step will be feeling, listening to what you feel at any time,
in various situations. These steps are crucial on your path to enlightenment.
My Interpretation of the word Enlightenment.
Some of you may wish to know my interpretation of this wonderful word - Enlightenment. We can break it up en - lighten - ment.
You are (ment) to experience (light - in) your conscious mind, in your subconscious mind, in your heart, spreading out to your entire being.
This is Enlightenment. Being aware of, feeling, living in Light everyday of your life - this life. Some of you are expanding that Light
awareness from your previous lifetime. Yes, you see each lifetime of learning, continues in your next lifetime.
You may meet different soul members (players) in each lifetime, yet your learning continues. The soul must expand in knowledge