Welcome beloveds we are here once again to help support and guide you through the changes that you are experiencing
latest #13
across planet earth. We guide and support you to help you see through the illusion so that you may heighten your vibration
and move more fully into your heart centre.
Many are now struggling and moving between the 3d view of the world and the higher 4th
and 5th dimensions, for many there are moments of pure clarity followed by a slump in energy and vibration and it is to these humans we wish
to guide and support. Raising your vibration shows that you have moved closer to your heart centre dear ones, for it would not be
possible for the vibration to rise if you did not do this. Many are surrounded by those asleep and it is the moments of clarity that will
trigger those around you. It is the moments where you are just BEing and not reacting to that which those around you who are asleep
will be reacting to. This triggers those asleep as they expect all around them to react to that which they do. They do not understand
that they are in illusion and that to react is to fall deeper into that illusion.
For many the moments of clarity are
indeed blissful where all is at ONE and they can FEEL the truth within, around and through them. For many this achievement is a fleeting
glimpse of what life is truly like and they then try to maintain the higher vibration consciously. For many this will instantly lower your
vibration back down again as you have unwittingly moved back to mind centre life experience. Remember dear ones the heart centre is
FEELing, the mind centre is logic. It may seem to be logical to continue to BE but that is not so. The heart is the only place
where you can BE dear ones, everything else is illusion
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