Lucky888 says
13 years ago
Life as a human is strange. You are born helpless in a tiny body, totally dependent on your mother for the first few years of human life,
latest #11
Lucky888 says
13 years ago
but you are constantly encouraged to develop an individual personality leading to personal competence that will enable you to live
Lucky888 says
13 years ago
independently, as a being totally separate from your parents. You could not have a better demonstration of the insanity of the
Lucky888 says
13 years ago
illusion you built to play in and hide from God. You are all one with each other and with God because God contains all that exists, and in
Lucky888 says
13 years ago
that state all that you could ever desire or need is provided instantly. Yet you chose the impossible. You attempted to separate yourself
Lucky888 says
13 years ago
from Him and from the infinite joy of that state, to experiment with insane ideas that you thought would prove you had no need of Him.
Lucky888 says
13 years ago
He had given you everything, which meant that you were completely free to imagine and experience anything that appealed to you.
Lucky888 says
13 years ago
With this freedom you built an illusory environment where it was possible for you to dream into apparent existence anything you chose
Lucky888 says
13 years ago
to imagine . Your first action was to block out your awareness of God, so that your illusory environment would seem to be totally real, and
Lucky888 says
13 years ago
the consequent apparent separation from your divine Source of being inevitably filled you with confusion, fear, and pain. Ever since
Lucky888 says
13 years ago
you made that decision you have been struggling to convince yourselves that you are real individual beings absolutely separate
Lucky888 says
13 years ago
from your heavenly Father. But you have been unsuccessful, because He implanted within you the inextinguishable flame of His Love for you.
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