I've decided I don't really enjoy sleepovers. ._. After all these years I'm finally deciding this..
latest #10
I never really enjoyed sleepovers either...but I keep getting invited to them, and this one friend thinks that I hate her soo I just go to-
-make her think I don't hate her. I really like her and all, she just thinks because we don't hang out much, that I hate her =_=
That's always awful. D: I mean, just because you don't see someone for a while doesn't mean your relationship has changed..
I know =_= I dunno if it's because she's got issues with herself and thinking people like her or whatever, but she really does think that
That's pretty sad.. ._.; I guess.
it gets on my nerves sometimes >.>;; buut I've got self esteem problems too so I've been there and done that....
M-hm.. I think at one point or another everyone has self esteem problems of some sort.
eheh...I have like *problems* with self esteem due to stuff that's gone on when I was younger...>.<
it gets bad every once in a while and I get depressed for a week or so...=_=
D: That's no fun. I tend to get depressed randomly from time to time also.. Not a good feeling.
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