bryanr shares
15 years ago
I Love You, Man - RESTRICTED red band TRAILER
latest #12
mathman_mr_t says
15 years ago
tastes will vary. i couldn't even finish the trailer.
mathman_mr_t says
15 years ago
bryanr says
15 years ago
haha that's ok
bryanr says
15 years ago
it's cheap humor, ice cream for the mind
mathman_mr_t says
15 years ago
and just like with ice cream some folks like chocolate mint and other people prefer rocky road, vive le difference!
bryanr says
15 years ago
mais oui!
Jeanburrasca81 says
15 years ago
*whistles the Marseillaise* we have a bit of a french theme going on these days ;-)
bryanr says
15 years ago
mathman_mr_t says
15 years ago
nice one karlski
Ziggy Vertigo says
15 years ago
I liked that trailer. Oddly, I *just* saw a commercial for it about 10 min ago.
bryanr says
15 years ago
good cheap fun :-)
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