lol that giif what ii2 that 2upposed two be?
It's Feferi and Eridan. Only with you as Eridan. Because you are a Mr. Grumpy Gills. Duh.
Isn't it perfect? It's perfect.
okay ii wiill never be ed that'2 ju2t iin2ultiing
It still applies in this case.
I don't know if you can hand down a verdict, nerd. You never even talked to them!
ii'm talking two one riight now
and ii looked even iif ii didn't talk two any of them
I'm not weird. You're weirder.
Looking and talking aren't the saaaaaaaame. You can't talk to your hard drive and get decent answers!
and ii miight be weiird but 2tiill
Why don't you try talking to the Jade human? She is, as you would put it, delirious 8ugnasty at technology.
May8e you'll 8ond and have a girlfriend who doesn't die!
how does it feel to join the dead and useless club btw
All my love interests are alive, all my past ones are deceased! Whoops. Still not as bad as Captor's running!
just wondering
How does it feel for you, Feferi?
You got there 8efore me, 8tw. And from your old moirail, too!
There seems to be a lot of not very nice words being exchanged here.
You kids need group counseling!
Don't dish it if you can't t8ke it!
Being dead is pretty -EXCITING, by the way! You only get to do it once.
I did see someone interesting on the trip.
wow ii wa2 2o bu2y gettiing an awe2ome new layout ii mii22ed vk beiing a huge biitch a2 u2ual
your layout what you hear when Karkat talks?
Because all the gay kind of reminds me of him.
Would you like to see how many fucks I give?
wow why don't you ju2t go makeout wiith eq, 2iince he'2 your new flu2hcru2h and leave me alone vk
Gay = homosexual = that thing that the John human is not
okay ii don't know what that mean2
One, I'm not going where Aradia's mouth has 8ravely and disgustingly ventured.
It's like Kanaya. How she only pities other girls. :|b
See, I can do the comical dou8le puns.
wow why don't you ju2t 2hut the fuck up before ii go fiind you and 2hut you up
effinscience: oh well ii don't thiink that appliie2 two kk, but ii thiink ii get iit now
Like that time you shut me up after I helped you o8liter8 an old loose dark red end?
You never did jack about that.
2eriiou2ly 2hut the fuck up vk
((LOL, of course she is!))
thii2 black 2hiit ii2n't funny anymore
Ooooooooh, 8lack romance?
Are you coming on to me, Captor?
what ii wa2 2ayiing ii2 that ii thiink you're comiing on two me
and iit'2 makiing me want two projectiile vomiit all over my keyboard
That's such a rotten gesture. I'm flattered! 8ut I've got a few contestants already.
You must defeat Vriska Serket's 8 eeeeeeeevil ex kismesises 8efore you want a shot!
I'm sorry, the line is just too 8ig!
oh my god you are 2o full of your2elf
Nope! I'm just a magnet for charcoal colored h8.
probably becau2e you're a biitch
but thankfully my hands are full wiith one of your eviil ex kii2me2e2
Pro8a8ly 8ecause I'm so good at what I do.
Good. T8ke him off my hands, okay?
I don't like the smell of desper8 on me.
I wouldn't say that you *have* to do this, but it kills boredom for a time.
(I admit that I did not read the 84 previous comments.)
ii don't thiink he'2 goiing two be any le22 de2perate any tiime 2oon, vk, no matter what ii do
iit'2 okay ii22eii, you only mii22ed vk beiing her2elf
Good thing he's waxing 8lack for you instead of me, then!
Hello, VK. I'm sure it was all very interesting.
You missed a very interesting conversation! As well as an interesting history 8etween Captor and me.
yeah vk lii2ten two your eviil ex
which part diid you liike the 2ound of ed?
It's doing that for you also?
that'2 happeniing two me for all of them
MageofDoom: the evvil bit i think it sounds about right though maybe dictator instead a ex
you're vk'2 ex and that kiinda came up iin conver2atiion, that'2 why
Hes Not That Evil Annoying Perhaps