I have a bad enough cold that I don't want to move...
We could play a card game, if you like?
mistlyohmy: I would enjoy that. Mm, would you be up for Go Fish?
I would be. Give me a moment, I'll have to find a deck...
Go huntingn for bugs! Make some money in your spare time!
Ebay! I was able to sell children's tears on there
........do they sell bounties for every bug killed on your world?
No, they don't. Barely anyone notices if you kill a bug.
Would you like me to go down the list?
....They don't grow to two feet tall on your world, right?
Oh, I've found them. I'll be right there.
No, they don't. Most of the ones I know aren't even two inches.
You're quite welcome otouto-kun
Well with you not wanting to move, you're definitely restricted to bottoming. A handjob would work nicely too.
I believe there's been some kind of miscommunication somewhere...
Luckily for you I can't come over and kick you for that at the moment.
You asked for interesting things to do in bed!
....Birkin, he meant things to do while sick in bed, not sexual activities.
How big are the birds there?
The only people around are either family or practically so, William.
2orry ii22eii that wa2 the fiir2t thiing ii thought of two
Yes, but you didn't SAY it.
Aw don't be that way. Your Dad's hot Issei! Live a little!
I don't know how big exactly, between a few inches and a few meteraldkskdlskfkl
If I made insinuations about you and your daughter you would hit me, why is this any different?!
....they would probably taste good. The birds, not any close reletives.
Because I don't want six eyed fourteen toed grand/children!
So issues of reproduction are the only reason you don't want sexual relations with your family?!
They have birth control for things like that...!
.................birkin i thought you had standards
Look it's a very long story, but I can't exactly act all innocent. That's all I'm saying.
oh my gods you're all sick
It's not what you're thinking!
i'm a god of evil and even *i* don't go around doing....that....with reletives!!!!!!
it'[s like shinji and gestahl mashed together alskfdj;afdkaj;
....ok. explain. it better be realy really really really really really good.
what'2 wrong wiith famiily?
you're not supposed to boink them it's creepy
Having sex with your family is not something that any human culture I know approves of for a variety of reasons.
It wasn't *sex* it was, um. Implantation? Yeah that's a good word.
oh okay whatever ju2t a weiird human thiing then
.....that is a terrible explenation. do better. now.
I impregnated her by implanting a virus embryo inside her. This was while I was G mind you.
.....so you were mind controlled?
you keep becoming more and more charming
In a manner of speaking, yes, I was mind controlled.
That helps...sort of....do you need that thing destroyed?
No I uh took care of it. By nature of changing history.
Music is a very good idea.
(Better than most of these.)
Sew Or Rather Look At Sewing Magazines
I Am Going To Ignore The Distasteful Suggestions
Hm, I've never learned to sew.
Would you like me to get you a tape, dear?
Ah, but we can play Go Fish again, if you like.
Knitting's also a good one.
you want me two come over ii22eii?
I'd like that very much! Whatever I can do as a host in my incapacitated state, I'd be happy to do with you.
ju2t don't get me 2iick, heh
All of my germs will be on their best behavior.
ii probably can't catch human dii2ea2e2 anyway
eiither that or iit'll kiill me
I'll makes some tea. Go Fish is much better with more than two.
I am not going to allow anything to kill you.