Goat's Balls says
13 years ago
hot like crazy o.o
latest #9
Nex says
13 years ago
seriously oh I can't feel it...and you guys are in air con office sommore...I only have fan...
PahaMehPahaLoh says
13 years ago
lol u don't wanna step in the staff room here, there's no window and if the air con wasn't auto on in earlier morning, u're fried.
Nex says
13 years ago
PahaMehPahaLoh says
13 years ago
not joking, lol, their room is near directly where the sun hits somemore, (points at city mall facing road)
PahaMehPahaLoh says
13 years ago
so most of the time my boss's room always auto on earlier, only off during the weekends. some of the lecture room as well, bbq pork.
Goat's Balls says
13 years ago
HERE THE AIRCON ON BUT WE WERE SWEATING!!! u know the feeling of a stuffy room where the aircon doesnt work? this is why i always prefer fan
13 years ago
ya when tiada karan that place is very the panas
13 years ago
PahaMehPahaLoh says
13 years ago
last time whenever teda karan i sneak to internet arena, coz too stuffy here.
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