carlag asks
13 years ago
interested in a postcard geography project for middle elem? Can't find a group to join, so I'm wanting to create one. Involves sending a
latest #10
carlag says
13 years ago
postcard from your state to a participating class in other states. I hope to have my class CREATE our postcard so that it reflects what we
carlag says
13 years ago
learn about KS. Or even if you don't have a class, anyone interested in mailing a postcard to my class? :-)
GingerLewman says
13 years ago
Hm. I'd think if you're a small town in KS, you get bonus points from mailing from your local Post Office!
jerib25 says
13 years ago
There was such a project 10 years ago. I will look and see if I can find info on it for you.
jerib25 says
13 years ago
I believe this is the one I nearly used several years ago.
carlag says
13 years ago
jeri25, that's what I'd like to base this on. They are not doing the project this year, so I'm trying to "round up" my own! :-)
jerib25 says
13 years ago
so sorry
jerib25 says
13 years ago
this is a home school site, but I think they may also allow public school kids
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