13 years ago
[Event 2] has found a way to link the school computers to a telecommunications satellite.
latest #127
England is
13 years ago
sitting on his uh... Throne... In the student council room when one of the members came in to report about said occurrence. He raised an_
13 years ago
_eyebrow, wondering who could have possibly done this and why.
13 years ago
doesn't think there's anything wrong with it. From said satellite to some international university, and from there to world servers.
13 years ago
It's actually rather fun.
13 years ago
doesn't think it was really necessary... He asked the IT bloke in the student council to trace where it had been done from. It was not that_
13 years ago
_it was bad. But some form of authorization should have been given.
13 years ago
*shifty eyed* Well... since the Prez puts it that way... I'll quit the downloads. Yes. Though it is rather fast_
13 years ago
_what with the impromptu reciever dish installed on the roof.
13 years ago
sighs and went to look for the other once the location had been confirmed. He stops just behind the lady. "What do you think you were_
13 years ago
13 years ago
closes the script page, startled. "Me? Oh, nothing of consequence."
13 years ago
caught that. He eyed her in suspicion. "Really? I find that hard to believe. What were you planning on?" And he can't help but see the_
13 years ago
_close resemblance she had to Russia.
13 years ago
shrugged. "I wasn't planning anything. Just..." She leaned back in her chair, staring down the computer screen. "Ever thought of_
13 years ago
_upgrading the network here? This is slower than the turtle in my garden, and it'd lost a leg int he winter."
13 years ago
*in the
13 years ago
quirked an eyebrow now, wondering if he should put trust into her. He decided to be lenient this time round and nodded. "Well, if that is_
13 years ago
_case. I suppose it's fine." He took a chair nearby and placed it beside her, sitting down as well. "Do continue then." He needed to make_
13 years ago
_sure she really isn't up to anything.
13 years ago
sighed softly, then opened up a Notepad file and started tapping away. A simple code-sharing site. Long enough to bore anybody watching.
13 years ago
"So," she began, "what'd you major in?" Anything to keep her mind off the inanity of what she was working on.
13 years ago
kind of just stared. Admittedly, he does not even understand a thing that was going on the screen. All he sees was just a jarble of words_
13 years ago
_and numbers. He looked up though upon hearing the question. "Fine Arts." He replied. "And yourself?"
13 years ago
"Infotech," replied Anya, promptly. "And Business Studies. I'm already dabbling a little in the stock markets." She pauses.
13 years ago
"Which is kind of silly nowadays. Since you don't know when the whole thing might simply collapse and burn."
13 years ago
nodded a little, not surprised. He should have guessed, of course. He sat back a little more. "Well, that is the stock market for you. But_
13 years ago
_if you really want to be safe, just have a diversified profile or something..."
13 years ago
nods too, saving the notepad file on a remote server she'd open again if she were ever that bored. "There's the stocks, and a shipping_
13 years ago
_venture that might do well if there aren't any storms planned for the next business quarter." She counted off days on her fingers.
13 years ago
"There's exactly fifteen days till I get my return." She opened both hands. They totaled up to ten, as did most hands, and not fifteen.
13 years ago
But she didn't seem to notice or correct it.
13 years ago
could not help but chuckle a little at that. He held out his hand, close to the others, so now it summed up to fifteen combined. "Really?_
13 years ago
_What is your portfolio's expected return?"
13 years ago
hides her hands behind her, calmly oblivious. "Maybe around seven hundred thousand in American dollars. My share's rather small." A smile.
13 years ago
Then she looks aside, glowering at the floor. "Of course, I can't invest in anything more for a couple more years, worse luck."
13 years ago
"I've to attend school," she continues, darkly. "My yearly income would put oligarchs to shame and then" - rather dramatically - "school."
13 years ago
quirked an eyebrow. He is slightly embarrassed now, thinking that he had mistaken her actions. He kind of just stares when he heard her_
13 years ago
_reply. *Rather* small, indeed. He dismissed her resemblance to Russia as mere coincidence. She didn't seem to be a nation... Or, at least_
13 years ago
_that is what he thinks. It was the dark expression and tone that had caught him off-guarded. That looked far too familiar for comfort. He_
13 years ago
_shifted, slightly uncomfortable. "A-Ah. Yes. That is quite unfortunate..."
13 years ago
sat up straighter. "Maybe," she started off again, sounding a little more optimistic, "the Boss wants me to be a little less ruthless with_
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_money." A smile. Her purplish eyes glowed in the semi-darkness. "Does the school Council have a treasurer?" A pause. "Are you okay?"
13 years ago
just listened before blinking at the question. "Y-Yes. I am quite fine." It then hit him. Boss? Is she...? He cleared his throat and shook_
13 years ago
_his head. "No, unfortunately." Not to mention the vice-president went MIA on him. How did that shit beard manage to get that position_
13 years ago
13 years ago
grinned, and the effect was startling. "I could fill that slot, if you wish. I'm good with all types of green."
13 years ago
She turned towards the computer, and started up a webpage - more script, but it was full of 'possibilities'. "You have a grudge_
13 years ago
_against somebody," she said, smiling at the screen. "Who is it?"
England is
13 years ago
taken aback by a moment. "Well, yes. I could see that... I will take that into consideration." There was a certain amount of trust needed_
13 years ago
_to fill up that position. He looked at the screen as well but back to the other once more when she spoke. He could recognise that smile,_
13 years ago
_all right. And not in a good way. He frowned a little and shook his head. "No one." He wasn't sure what she is trying to pull off though.
13 years ago
nodded slowly, still smiling. "Alright. Take your time." She clicked once on a link, and information filled the screen.
13 years ago
kept talking, as if processing the information and keeping up a conversation took up different, distinct parts of her mind.
13 years ago
"Have you tasted the cafeteria food around here?" Talent for switching subjects.
13 years ago
"It tastes like dust bunnies and the souls of dead snowflakes."
13 years ago
switched between looking at her and at the screen every now and then. He shook his head. "Well. I did." A chuckle. "I wouldn't know how_
13 years ago
_dust bunnies and 'souls of dead snowflakes' taste like... But it tasted fine to me."
13 years ago
"Insubstantial," expounded Anya. "Like dust. Snowflakes taste of water, this mush tastes worse." A shrug. "My Boss is mean."
13 years ago
A triumphant click. "He knows I like caviar."
13 years ago
Another click, and a dialog box appeared with a happy little ping. "Military defense sites look really bland in real life, did you know?"
13 years ago
"Not this is one," she followed up quickly, gesturing wildly, as if it was actually possible. "This is just a pro- eh, never mind."
13 years ago
frowned a little now. He thought the food actually tasted fine, but well, it was nothing as compared to his cooking, of course. "Ah._
13 years ago
_Caviar." He hardly remembered the last time he had actually ate them. Although, there was something nagging at the back of his head now._
13 years ago
_And it, uh, nagged at him more when he heard the next sentence. He narrowed his eyes now. "*How* would you even know what military defense_
13 years ago
_sites look like...?" And that panicked movement only served to peak his suspicions even further.
13 years ago
blew out quietly. Now what? "Let's just say I meddled a little in my spare time. There are so little opportunities for code writers_
13 years ago
_where I live. So I got a little... carried away." A coy smile. That had been good exercise.
13 years ago
"You know I could very well hand you over to the police for that..." And he would not hesitate either, considering the danger it could_
13 years ago
_potentially pose. What if she was intelligence for an unsavoury group? He leans forward a little. "... That is, unless you are Russia." He_
13 years ago
_had a feeling...
13 years ago
"Oh you wouldn't," said Anya, perfectly sure of it. "You'd need proof." Frenzied typing. A loading bar onscreen. "Your proof_
13 years ago
_just died." A low laugh. "Russia?"
13 years ago
Oh the irony. "How ever did you guess." She stood up, sweeping the chair away. "I suppose it'll be public now." A garish smile.
13 years ago
"Don't tell Ivan, will you? He was all for this."
13 years ago
walked away, dark-stockinged feet tapping regularly along the mosaic floor. Well, she'd blown that. Time to shift the sat dish_
13 years ago
_before the Prez did. A last glance behind her. And, before she left, a warning smile.
13 years ago
furrowed his eyebrows and stood up now, So she *had* been planning something, with the other Russia even! And if that smile is anything to_
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_go by, it probably means he should follow her. A low growl as he finally stood up and ran behind her, hoping it wasn't much too late to_
13 years ago
_catch the Russian in whatever acts she had been planning.
13 years ago
came across the British boy again a few hours later, peering over her shoulder at a network schematics chart she'd been working at.
13 years ago
raised an eyebrow. "Can I help you?" A pause. "Have you seen Ivan anywhere? I haven't seen him since I stepped in here."
13 years ago
"I need to give him a few sharp words. I don't know why he seemed positive about this charade." Dying of boredom as it was.
13 years ago
shook his head. "Not today. I did see him yesterday, however and he was--" He frowned a little in disapproval. "--drunk." He straightened_
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_himself up and crossed his arms. "If by charade, you meant attending school, we don't really have much of a choice now, do we?"
13 years ago
"Drunk, huh?" A few long lines connecting the terminals in the staff room and the laboratory. "Things are normal, then."
13 years ago
"And yes, this is a charade. I thought I'd been 'schooled' in the kolkhoz." An involuntary shiver. "This is nearly as boring."
13 years ago
only just noticed the wires. "Well, our bosses wanted us to understand the modern education system..." Although, what for, even he wasn't_
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_sure himself. He just did what he was told. He then gestured towards the wiring. "And, pray tell, *what* are you planning on?"
13 years ago
"Me?" Fail at innocent face. "This? Just a chart showing the networks in the school. Respectable wiring, really." She rubbed out one line.
13 years ago
The head terminal in the laboratory was the teacher's - she'd have to make an alteration there.
13 years ago
"Y'see, Ivan isn't in the least interested in this. Eduard is, but there's no way I can find of talking to him since I punched through_
13 years ago
_his home network. It wasn't really an accident, though - maybe a call for attention?" She turned back to her chart.
England is
13 years ago
not exactly the one to come to when it comes to technology. He does not even know what a 'Tumblr' is. Jesus Christ, isn't tumbler just_
13 years ago
_some container for holding drinks? The last time someone had asked whether he had a 'Tumblr', he had, and this is an embarrassing memory,_
13 years ago
_actually handed over to that person an *actual* tumbler. Needless to say, he spent all day sulking under his blanket. "W-Well... If that_
13 years ago
_is the case..." He wasn't even sure how to reply to that. What does 'punch through his home network' mean? Literally? He did *not* want_
13 years ago
_for him to be a second 'Tumblr' incident again....
13 years ago
((for this*))
13 years ago
"You didn't hear of it?" A grin. She put her pencil down and turned in her chair. "It was actually part of something a little bigger.
13 years ago
I didn't bother 'bout that, of course. Purely for the kick I get out of breaking stuff."
Anya shares
13 years ago
[She's talking about this hack attack.
13 years ago
The Russians are well-versed with DDoS attacks, it seems.]
13 years ago
shook his head. He hadn't. Well, he *might* have but it was just that he was too clueless to discover that it relates to all these._
13 years ago
_"...Part of something bigger? B-But, why would you do that, I mean..." ((Ah. Thank you for the link >~< I only recently know what DDoS_
13 years ago
_is since LJ was harmed by it a few weeks back, if I am not mistaken.))
13 years ago
"It was, but I got paid for what i did, and I didn't bother investigating." The British boy seemed a little clueless, but she often got that
13 years ago
reaction when she babbled on about things liek this.
13 years ago
13 years ago
She turned back to her chart and continued drawing lines. The chart looked a bit of a mess now, lines overlapping each other haphazardly.
13 years ago
But she knew it would help her soon enough.
13 years ago
nodded now and continued to watch. He still could not put trust in her though, for the treasurer position especially since she seems to be_
13 years ago
_so shady about all these... Not to mention, she would do anything as long as it was for her benefit.
13 years ago
glanced at the President. Recently everybody seemed very interested in her chart. She didn't think they knew what all the lines meant
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and if they did, it wasn't going to do her any harm. After she used the chart, it was going in the Library. (Where oh where was Eduard...)
13 years ago
didn't even really know why she was taking so much care with her chart. She usually got by with a scrawled diagram on a torn sheet of
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notebook paper. She wouldn't get anything out of this chart, either. Dissatisfied, she put her pencil down. "I'll complete this later,"
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she said, and stood up to leave, hoping the Brit wouldn't follow her. It was easy enough to throw off stalkers online. In the real world?
13 years ago
She simply hadn't had it happen yet.
13 years ago
, indeed, did not know what the charts meant. The only person he knew who could possibly knows as much about all these was, well, Estonia._
13 years ago
_But he hardly ever heard from that bloke... And, well, he did not know the other world's Estonia either. He was momentarily stunned though_
13 years ago
_when she stood up and only nodded at her words. A-And! H-He is most certainly *not* a stalker! J-Just investigating! W-What if she really_
13 years ago
_is up to no good?! I-I mean how different could she be from Russia? And if that is the case... He shuddered a little. He watched as the_
13 years ago
_other left. Should he follow? It was his obligation as a president to make sure. But... Perhaps, he should let her off for the day...
13 years ago
((We don't have an Eduard but we do have an Evelin though >u< ))
13 years ago
[Ah... thanks.]
13 years ago
[The very same thing - inquisitive people looking over shoulders, happened in another plurk here, with Sakura instead.]
13 years ago
((Haha. Yeah, I did went through it briefly... Like the creeper that I am xD ))
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