liyinism has
15 years ago
just freaked out coz she thought that she had to pay another 450AUD for visa application! lucky thing everythg's alright now (LOL)
latest #21
xinyun213 says
15 years ago
i paid 450aud for visa
xinyun213 says
15 years ago
she's goin to melb, weilean
liyinism says
15 years ago
yeayea me too, but had a lil complications.. luckily everythg's alright now>_<
xinyun213 says
15 years ago
lim li yin, how come u no need pay 450 aud! so unfair! n boh msn me ven u on9 -.= im boring til dead
xinyun213 says
15 years ago
i think she answered u -.= bt nt me T___T
xinyun213 says
15 years ago doesnt matter.
xinyun213 says
15 years ago
liyinism says
15 years ago
hahahahhaa scare me suddenly so many msgs... xinyun we just msn-ed just now arr :-P
liyinism says
15 years ago
weilian~ I'm going on the 18th Feb.. you are going to aus too??? (woot)
xinyun213 says
15 years ago
yep, n u just away n ignore me without telling me a bye :'-( HURT
liyinism says
15 years ago
no laaaa coz hor, after chatting with you i realized that the form i printed is wrong!!! Then freakin kinjiong lorrrrrr..wahlao
liyinism says
15 years ago
but anyhow everythg is okay AGAIN :-D going for med check up after lunch.. are you still eating luck??or tea time now?!?! :-o
xinyun213 says
15 years ago
y u so lun zhun...hahah, i still have a big cream puff havent finish yet. i hate cream puff now!
xinyun213 says
15 years ago
what time r u ogin to do ur body check up
liyinism says
15 years ago
am going to Melb uni.. what course are you taking?? where and when are you gonna continue?? :-P
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