BeccaFace says
13 years ago
facebook showed me my status on this day 2 years ago: "I HATE moving! ...but I love kevbot and saintamour"
latest #6
BeccaFace says
13 years ago
i'm guessing that is in response to you guys hauling my tv up 3 flights of stairs... you're not still bitter about that right?
saintamour says
13 years ago
that was the heaviest TV ever, but it's all good.
kevbot says
13 years ago
It had the mass of a thousand suns.
BeccaFace says
13 years ago
Today it told me 2 years ago I was at Charley's for karaoke... this is just starting to make me sad!
DrScientist says
13 years ago
facebook is trying to make you depressed
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