KathyPeiEn thinks
13 years ago
today plurk is so quite
latest #9
13 years ago
i m here..
lynn0113 says
13 years ago
Here too...haha...
KathyPeiEn says
13 years ago
haha bt nobody plurk hor..
ahru says
13 years ago
i plurk le~let's make it noisy
Huihoon thinks
13 years ago
cant lor..got to sleep early lo...later 5pm wake up..
KathyPeiEn says
13 years ago
5am? so early for wat?
Huihoon says
13 years ago
want to reach kluang soon lor~
KathyPeiEn says
13 years ago
(dance) see ya soon!
Huihoon says
13 years ago
yaya~jihjia will bk tmr?
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