Is the room to your liking, France-san?
I will bring something to you later once you've had some rest.
Since your tea isn't disgusting, would you have some with me?
Is that what that noise was?!
Why don't we all have tea together? I'll get some cakes from the shop.
Italy-kun, while I'm out, will you boil the water for tea?
Yessir! I'll try not to make a mess this time! I'll remember that the pot is hot and to use the cloth like you told me.
....France-san, I hate to ask you this while you are still recovering, but could you watch him...?
But yes, Italy-kun, that is right.
I'll set everything up before I leave.
okay! o7 <-- that's a salute, right?
I'll text one to Germany and see if he understands!!!
...Oh...! Please let me know if he does?
He told me to stop wasting money. He said texting costs a lot and I shouldn't waste a text on silly meaningless
symbols and don't I have any more sense than that? The symbols make no sense and have no context.
He said I could have put a lot more information in one text to save money. And then he asked if I was having fun and how you were and was
... That is a lot for one text.
et oui, of course I will watch over Italie!~
It was in three parts! Let's make tea for Japan, I'll show you how~
...sigh I will text Germany later to let him know.