I don't think you could find a more 8oring sounding 8ook if you tried.
You haven't even the slightest clue what the book is about.
How does 'Abarat' sound any less boring than, say, 'Dreamcatcher' or 'Orange County'?
It has pirates in it, yes.
In fact, a good chunk of what I've already read has dealt with pirates.
And what, might I ask, is that face for?
How can you 8e reading a 8ook that might not 8e totally 8oring and terri8le?
Because I am an avid reader.
The sheer volume of books that I read keeps the chance that every single tome I pick up being boring astronomically low.
8ut you are you, if you couldn't find a 8oring 8ook to read you'd write one!
My writings are anything but boring, thank you very much.
I'll 8elieve it when I see it. ::::\
I would gladly prove you wrong, but my drabblings are confidential.
One is, of course, one's own worst critic.
And I am critical enough.
The blast of nostalgia, dear.
Certainly not your visit. That was quite a joy for the most part, don't you worry.
You wouldn't keep them confidential if they were anything 8ut 8ooooooooring.
Or, perhaps, if I were just not particularly comfortable in my writing abilities.
8ecause your writing is 8oring.
Uncomfortable, unconfident, and overly critical all seem like brilliant reasons for keeping my works secret.
My writing is not boring.
do you still write weird wizard stuff rose?
... it's not weird. But I do indeed still write fantasy stories concerning wizards.
And why should I, Vriska?
8ecause I won't 8elieve you otherwise!
Are you trying to convince me that I need your approval to have confidence in my writing?
What if, hypothetically, I honestly didn't care whether you thought my writing boring or not?
I would say that's 8ullshit. I'm a gr8 writer so you're intimid8ed 8y my skill.
I am so utterly intimidated by your literary skill.
I think I shall sob myself to sleep tonight.
Drown my sorrows in the tears that shall stain my pillow as I attempt to comprehend how utterly amazing you are with the written word.
Please don't tell me I need to point out my sarcasm.
I don't think I could handle it.
Just 8ecause you were 8eing sarcastic doesn't mean you weren't telling the truuuuuuuuth.
Fair enough, I suppose, but the fact of the matter is that I wasn't.
Thus, the implication of sarcasm.
I see through all your lies.
That would be a brilliant defense if I were, in fact, lying.
You just keep piiiiiiiiling on the lies, next you'll 8e acting like you don't write at all you're so intimid8ed 8y me!
Except that I've explicitly stated right here that I do, indeed, write. Nice try, though.
Well not now that I've pointed it out! 8ut you were totally going to! I would have mentioned it again and you would have 8een all
"I have no idea to what you are referring, 8luh 8luh 8oring 8luh."
And kept it hidden in your shoe8ox where noooooooo8ody of any worth will ever read it!
You're exceedingly good at bluffing, I will have to give you that.
But you've got it wrong. As you, without any evidence I have reason to doubt your literary skill.
And someone's worth is entirely subjective to situation and those involved, so there's absolutely no winning on that front.
Why would I eeeeeeeever need to 8luff? And myyyyyyyy writing is gr8 and it's only su8jective to other people!
You do have interesting taste in literature don't you?