Caitronia asks
15 years ago
to be saved from prudes in sl, doing photos for a chicks wedding and shes SHY. -face palms- I guess we all can't run around naked.
latest #20
Caitronia says
15 years ago
Let me specify that "Bedroom wedding pictures"
Liquid Alli says
15 years ago
Caitronia says
15 years ago
Its an avi on a screen, not rl lol, I dunno, i DUN see what the big deal is.
Liquid Alli says
15 years ago
I have repeat customers who regularly ask me if i have ever done a nude photoshoot, like it is all taboo
Caitronia says
15 years ago
Liquid Alli says
15 years ago
Liquid Alli says
15 years ago
How do these people procreate irl i wonder
Caitronia says
15 years ago
Im half tempted to tell her what I want her to do, and to shut up and not ask questions...But that might be rude.
Caitronia says
15 years ago
I hope they dont procrate....Some people should not have kids. NEVER
Liquid Alli says
15 years ago
Defintly not the ones who cannot handle avatar nudity
Caitronia says
15 years ago
-faints seeing ass crack-
Liquid Alli says
15 years ago
Don't ever call a plumber then
Caitronia says
15 years ago
ewwwe lol
Caitronia says
15 years ago
Caitronia says
15 years ago
The thought of a sex life like id'e shoot myself.
Caitronia says
15 years ago
haha like there arent ten million a load.
Liquid Alli says
15 years ago
I love it, that is my new fave song n dance routine evar
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