13 years ago
[event & mature] wanders behind the back of the gym building, smoking anxiously as he wonders if this was all one big mistake.
latest #92
13 years ago
chewed a nail anxiously as he exits the building after school, wondering if he should meet with the Turkish teacher. He was nervous, but
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he'd said he'd go, right? And it was impolite to flake out after you said you'd go... Cautiously, he rounded the corner and walked behind
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the gym.
Turkey was
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leaning against the wall when he heard footsteps approaching. Exhaling, he glanced over at the source of the sound, smiling a little. "Glad
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ya came, kid," he mumbled, discarding his cigarette and standing up straight.
13 years ago
pulled his backpack tighter to him, hoping this didn't become some sort of murder mystery cases. "I said I would, didn't I?"
13 years ago
chuckled, shaking his head as he moved closer to the Spaniard. "No, you said maybe... I didn't think you'd have the balls to come."
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huffed and crossed his arms. "I'm very brave, you know. I won't back down from a challenge, and you're making this seem like one."
13 years ago
rolled his eyes, shaking his head. "You do realise why I asked you to come here, right? Or should I have borrowed a book on sex ed for you?"
13 years ago
pursed his lips. "I'm not having sex with you. And I'm not a virgin either, okay? I know how to do it... and stuff...!"
13 years ago
sighed, staring at him. "Sure you're not..." He moved closer, reaching up to stroke Antonio's face. "You are a very pretty boy."
13 years ago
turned and chomped on a finger stroking his face. "You're not the one I want to hear that from."
13 years ago
yelped, shaking his hand before sucking his finger. "Oi, c'mon, I only like people biting my shoulders. Anyway, why are ya actin' like this.
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Y'know, I've seen you staring at me when I teach you..."
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scoffed, but did indeed remember a few instances that he'd let his eyes linger for a bit too long. He was handsome, after all!
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"...Lo siento."
13 years ago
continued to suck the bitten finger. "Mmm, little Antonio... watching me instead of paying attention to what I'm saying. Yet I still pass
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you despite the fact you rarely get a question right on the papers you turn in... have you ever wondered about this?"
13 years ago
Well, he'd always thought that he'd just had good luck and done enough extra credit! He didn't pull his hand away though, interested by the
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feel of the larger male's tongue. "It's not like I do it /all/ the time..." He muttered, sounding a bit defeated.
13 years ago
raised an eyebrow as he stood up straight, smirking as he placed his hands on his hips. "Yes you do... Don't lie to me, boy."
13 years ago
"I'm not lying! What would I gain from lying?!" Antonio frowned, finally pulling away so he could lean against the back wall of the gym.
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moved closer to him, this time placing a hand on Antonio's chest. "Hmm, I don't know. Maybe you think I will stop my advances on you..."
13 years ago
shrugged, seeming unaffected. "Do whatever you want. It doesn't bother me."
13 years ago
stared at him as he pressed his palm against his chest a little harder. "Lying again? I can feel your heart pounding in your chest..."
13 years ago
"T-that's because I ran here!" He lied once again. He didn't know why he bothered lying, he was really bad at it.
13 years ago
sighed. "Oh yeah, and that's why you haven't broken a sweat..." He shook his head, leaning down a little so they were eye-level. "You are
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a truly awful liar, boy."
13 years ago
"I thought you were leaving." He said, keeping his voice even and calm.
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shook his head. "No, why would I do that? Besides, I didn't want to meet you to discuss your terrible acting skills."
13 years ago
"Why did you tell me to meet you here, of all places? It doesn't look very sanitary..." He complained, looking around.
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"I could hardly invite you back to my home... Plus, I come out here to smoke and I don't ever see anyone else..."
13 years ago
"Lars was out here just a few hours ago, so there goes your 'secluded' idea. I'm not gonna randomly have sex with you. You have to treat me
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well, i'm not a one night stand!" His voice was prickly. He didn't like being used.
13 years ago
felt himself get a little agitated. What was with this kid? Such attitude. "Well what the fuck do you want? You want me to wine and dine you
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before i get to fucking sixty-nine you?"
13 years ago
"Well, yes, that sounds pretty nice! I'm not old enough to get wine myself, but you are! And I am a little hungry... Italian sounds nice."
13 years ago
stared at him in disbelief. "Are you serious? You honestly want me to take you out? If someone saw me with a student, I could get fired."
13 years ago
"Well, if you take me out, you'll have a much better chance of me doing a lot more things with you. Hard work brings rewards." He didn't
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really mind the idea of being with the teacher so much anymore, but he didn't want to seem easy..
13 years ago
took his hand off Antonio's chest before sighing. "We can take my car to a drive-thru but that's the best I can offer you. No restaurant."
13 years ago
"Drive-thru?" Antonio wrinkled his nose. "I want a restaurant!!"
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rubbed the stubble on his chin. "I can't risk that, kid! Seriously, I ain't getting fired just because I want to nail your hot ass!"
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"Well, then find someone else! I can find someone else, if I want to." He shrugged. He wasn't gonna sell himself for cheap, no matter how
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attractive his teacher was.
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slid his hands into his own hair, pulling it a little. "I don't want anyone else! I want you! Fuck, why did I have to fall for such a brat?"
13 years ago
blinked, suddenly feeling a little sympathy for the man. He did seem to be sincere... Either that, or Antonio was really gullible. The
13 years ago
Spaniard walked forward a few steps and reached out to trace his fingers along Sadiq's chest gently. "Please. I just want it to mean
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something. Even just a little. I don't like doing stuff like that with no meaning."
13 years ago
softened his gaze as he looked down at him. "Well, we can go back to my classroom... I confiscated Alfred's lunch earlier..."
13 years ago
smiled warmly, deciding it was best to compromise. He /was/ trying, after all. "Mm, that sounds nice. Let's go there, then. But you owe me
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dinner at a nice restaurant. Maybe somewhere out of town."
13 years ago
sighed, nodding a little. Maybe he could find a cheap place in the next town over... "So does that mean you want to come back to my class?"
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"Well, I suppose, if there's not any other choice..." He replied jokingly and with a wink.
13 years ago
flinched a little before turning around and walking off. "C'mon kid, follow me. An old man like me can't stay aroused for too long."
13 years ago
tilted his head. "You're already aroused? And how old are you exactly?"
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glanced over his shoulder, shaking his head with a grin on his face."Oi, now don't go asking such questions. You don't wanna know,trust me."
13 years ago
"I do wanna know! Come on!" He grinned, walking close to him. He sort of wanted to grab his hand, but that would be inappropriate, right?
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looked down at him as they walked. There wouldn't be any harm in telling him... would there? "Why don't ya take a guess?"
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It was hard to tell... He knew he was old, but he did look sort of young... "In your thirties, maybe?"
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smiled, shaking his head. "A little older, but that's mighty flatterin'..." He reached over and ruffled Antonio's hair, chuckling.
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grinned and leaned into the hand ruffling his hair. "I'm going to be 18 in February!"
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groaned, closing his eyes. "Wow, I'm more than twice your age," he mumbled, wondering what exactly he had got himself into.
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"Maybe you're like wine. They get better with age, si?" He shrugged, pushing open the teacher's door with his shoulder when they got to it.
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"Oh, you're good..." He stepped, inside, taking his keys out of his pocket and locking the door behind him. "You sure you're a virgin?"
13 years ago
"Now, I never said that. I've done things before, but only with people I was dating." He replied cooly, setting his bag on a desk before
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lifting himself to sit on it.
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wandered over, shrugging his jacket off as he moved. "Hmm? Like what?" He asked, pushing Antonio's legs open and standing between them.
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"Like... sex..." He muttered, suddenly very flustered to have the teacher between his legs like this.
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reached up and loosened his tie, staring down. "Hmm, like sex, sure... so you'll know exactly what we're doing then..."
13 years ago
glanced away before biting his lower lip. "Well, more or less. I've never been with someone as... experienced as you are."
13 years ago
pulled his tie off, dropping it to the ground before he tilted Antonio's face towards him. "Sure... sure... tell me you want me, kid."
13 years ago
hesitated before reaching up to slide his arms around Sadiq's neck, his finger's idly fiddling with the curls resting at the base of the
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teacher's neck. "Actions speak louder than words, señor."
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shuddered a little, licking his lips as he leaned forward. "Oh, are you going to take the lead...?"
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"No, but wouldn't you rather hear moans than words?" He asked, smiling like a Cheshire.
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tilted his head, ghosting his lips over Antonio's. "You're going to make a lot of noise for me, boy."
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gently traced his tongue along Sadiq's lower lip. "I'm excited. I hope you're as good as you seem."
13 years ago
chuckled, closing his eyes as he placed his hands on Antonio's thighs before he pressed their lips together, breaking the kiss to mumble,
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"I'm confident that I'm even better than anything you could have ever imagined."
13 years ago
"I'm guessing that the food is going to have to wait till later?" Antonio muttered back, licking the taste of his teacher off of his lips. -
13 years ago
It was a curious mixture of spices, flavored tobacco, and sweetness that he hoped to get more of.
13 years ago
"Sorry princess, but this big bad wolf is hungry for young flesh right now," he said with a smirk, pushing Antonio down onto the desk. "You
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can eat after..."
13 years ago
tugged at the front of Sadiq's shirt before undoing the first few buttons. "Do I really have to be a princess? I want to be a wolf too."
13 years ago
shook his head, staring at the Spaniard. "No, I'm the wolf," he muttered, one of his hands sliding onto Antonio's crotch. "Don't argue."
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opened his mouth to argue, but only ended up gasping as he arched into that hand, finally feeling the first wave of arousal. "Hnn...."
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licked his lips again. Man, he almost felt young again just from touching the kid. "Hmm, what was that? Didn't quite catch what you said...
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My hearing isn't so great in my old age," he teased, rubbing him through his trousers.
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shook his head, trying to clear the clouds that moved into his mind. "Uh... I don't... remember..."
13 years ago
"Didn't think so..." He mumbled as he captured his lips in another kiss, this time instantly deepening it as he slipped his hand into
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Antonio's trousers, grasping his erection with his large hand and stroking it slowly.
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