Ah. Think, Dungeons and Dragons.
Although I'm thinking of using different rules.
Normally I wouldn't bother with such a convoluted, time-demanding past-time, but there's a Call of Cthulhu roleplaying game.
I must admit I'm interested.
First... I must aquire some dice. I'm sure I can find adequate tools online.
And then, I need to... read this book. I'm not sure why this wasn't brought to my attention sooner.
You sit about a table as you roleplay aloud.
Ugh, 8ooooooooring, that's not exciting at all!
Not to you, maybe. I find the concept quite exciting.
Why you'd be having dice determine your every move, I'm not too sure on, but as long as it can be roleplayed well..
8ut there are no real monsters to kill or 8adguys to overcome!
.... And why on earth do you think I'd want to go through something like that again?
The fun comes out of fabricating a story using your imagination, based on the theme of the game you are playing.
We've discussed this before, Miss Serket. Or need I spell it out for you in crayon?
Fun is entirely subjective.
then agaiin we already came two the fact vrii2ka ha2 no iidea what fun ii2
I'm inclined to agree, but that would mean going back on my own comment.
I have lots of fun aaaaaaaall the time! Of course I know what fun is!
And when that fun comes at the expense of others, it's generally considered sociopathic.
What are you talking a8out? ::::\
My fun doesn't come at other's expense.
Sociopaths generally don't realise the expense at which their enjoyment comes.
And if they do, they don't care.
I'm making no accusations here. Merely thinking aloud. With my keyboard.
What are you even talking a8out? >::::\
I haven't hurt anyone who didn't deserve it.
I see my musings have sailed right over your head. Never mind, it's nothing to be concerned about--
And there we go. Case in point.
How is that your point? I know I've hurt people 8ut they're always asking for it!
Exactly the plea of many fo those suffering from sociopathy, clutching at straws to attempt to justify their actions.
Whether it be that they genuinely believe their excuse, or merely trying to lessen their sentence.
Uuuuuuuugh, why are you aaaaaaaalways acting like I've done something wrong? What do you care what I do????????
That's just it. I don't care what you do.
But fun is subjective, and psychoanalysis is something I find particularly enjoyable.
Sometimes to adequately analyse someone, slightly indirect routes must be taken, is all.
As I said before, I've accused you of nothing.
You talk in riddles and they're fucking annoying! Just stop 8eing, well yourself! Your o8noxious infuri8ing self!!!!!!!!
Oh do calm down. I speak not in riddles, only in cryptic manner.
That is different hoooooooow????????
Riddles have an answer, Miss Serket.
I think your eights are getting away from you, Vriska.
Alright, alright. It's okay, Vriska.