Where the shit is Sollux? Busy dying? >:U
>:C I was gonna finish him off
He may still be breathing.
y u do dis???
It was all fun and games until he got stabbed, I guess.
hey bec, whose throat are you lunging for there?
Why do you do thisx bec? it's no way to live a life
Ah, I meant John. Sorry, I realized I didn't specify, but only after it was too late haha. Wouldn't really matter, but the original was him.
This is my life and I do what I want. (Can't be tamed.)
gotcha. sorry, reading everything wrong all up in here!
Can't decide whether or not to ruin suspense of the action with a random entry of newspaper roll bitchslapin'...
I got that Washington Post
gonna roll that shit up like a joint
and slap a bitch >:C...er...well Bec Noir isn't a female dog so...
jade you make me laugh so much
I can slap you back though.
Just... not with newspaper. ?
I can't believe she pulled off that photoshoot outta the blue in Singapore
gurl is crazy but damn awesome <3
... it's weird, but it looks like she shooped herself into the background D8
anybody else getting that?
amazzzzzing cosplay tho ;A;
Well she said she did had to get it edited
because the paint was gettin' messed up in the water
vriskaaaa :3 and bec suddenly
but it is almost home time yes?
yes uvu bike riding hoooome
what is your job if i can ask
data bitch at inland revenue services
it is impossible not to love this movie
motherfucking zelda everywhere
iona you really need to come to my house and play oot
we still need an equius ;A;
Where did the previous one go?
as in there was just an earthquake
he wasn't in one or anything....
but yeah he decided that plurk wasn't really for him and left :c
Oh, that's unfortunate. Hmm.
I love the vriska's belt buckle so much
i didn't feel that earthquake!
you must have been moving too fast on your bicycle
also why are you not on msn?
oh my god best humanstuck is best
still holding out for a full apiastuck cast drawing
cushions your fall lovingly
i am at school mooching off their internet
throws a vending machine at Sollux
that vending machine you can pick up and you can use it as the best riot shield
Don't know whether or not if I should mention the commissioner that it's a Matryoshkastuck sweater...
'cause they're a Hetalia fan and I'm paranoid about the Homestuck haters
i dunno about mum, i'm still in my room
Hey guys what of you think of the design so far?
gdi plurk thank you for showing me responses
mum's ok too i went up to see her.
er well okay as she can be i guess.
it really sucks because today is my cousin ian's wedding day
and they've kind of had to keep it a secret from everybody.
oh gosh that really really sucks
I'm glad she's doing not too bad though
same. but she's pretty down, which is fair enough.
oh yeah thanks for reminding me
you can reblog three times a day, right cause that's what i'm doing
yup, I assume you've got someone in the US to ship it to?
hey I'm gonna be in town tomorrow for moviness, do you want to do something in the afternoon?
yes that sounds really nice.
then I can actually give you a hug c:
you all are so happy i have a separate tumblr for spam
i'm going to reblog that three times every day until october 1st i want those glasses >:T
if you remind me I will also do so and you can have them if I win
Every single one with kanaya makes me giggle like crazy
dude sorry to say
but i don’t think ironic
means what you think bro
oh my god that is amazing
I wanna go back to venice :c
That's quite a long ways to roll.
hey hey eridan wanna post? john and eridan should totally be friends.
-- well john is kind of friends with every one.
because john is too nice.
and it is especially long because i am nowhere near the falls
and have you been to niagra falls before eridan? :3
you should go it's really nice! i went there... last year i think?
I've been out of Texas like...five-six times 8(a
and only to Michigan, Ohio, and Florida.
no no howdys i don't go to A&M
Texas A&M. It's a college here that reminds me of a cult with all their traditions and obsessive followers