They found my neighbor! He's alive! ...He got lost. Two hours away from home, and slept in his car.
latest #10
For fuck's sake, if you are too old to see where you are going, give up your license.
Yep. At some point before this "they" threatened to take it away from him, but I don't know the story behind that, or who "they" was.
..are. Idk if it was the cops, a judge somewhere, the DMV. Idk if that threat still stands. But he really needs to not drive.
My bipolar gossip neighbor is talking to my mom about everything, that's how I'm hearing it.
Apparently, they're deciding that if they see dude pull out of his driveway in his car, they're calling the cops. Good choice.
Oh, yup, the cops are taking his license. There we go.
Oh, yay! I'm so glad he's alright!
Me too.
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