arggg...pottermore. While i was sorting your site broke and then when it got back you sorted me into Revenclaw?! what shit is this ?!
latest #13
I am fucking piss really. it is not because I don't accept the result. but..
it's because your broken on the last question while I was about to answers and then you went and funk sorted me in ravenclaw
imma get new account when it's open.. this is fucking piss me off so much
anyone has an extra account to spare, let me know?
I'm sorry, mate. D: The good news is that October is on Saturday so if you want to make a fresh account you can
Oh wait you just said that. I'm a genius.
it's funny they put me in revenclaw...ME arggg what sorcery is this?
even merlin knows better i don't have enough brain power to be a revenclaw
Well, i think Ravenclaw has more to do with your pursuits than how innately intelligent you are
And your work ethic and stuff
While yeah, it's definitely aligned with that kind of thing
i think i had achance of being a Hufflepuff than a revenclaw really lol it's kinda funn in a way lol
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