I am.. is
13 years ago
On her way to her night class...getting back in the student groove feels weird. 8-)
latest #12
13 years ago
I hope it goes well!
Lemongrass says
13 years ago
I bet it does! Exciting times though! (dance)
ॐ andavane
13 years ago
I am.. says
13 years ago
mimipal: I am finding my groove for sure. ;-)
I am.. says
13 years ago
lemongrass: Indeed it is...am liking my classes. It's a variety of ages which is very nice. 8-)
I am.. says
13 years ago
ॐ andavane
13 years ago
creativecritter: Which is weirder: dancing bananas or betting back into the student groove? (LOL)
Lemongrass is
13 years ago
so tempted to make an awfully crude joke right now.
ॐ andavane
13 years ago
's game if she is. c'mon, LG. I don't think she'll (taser) us, and if she does, who knows but we might get a thrill from it?
13 years ago
(nottalking) (evilsmirk)
ॐ andavane thinks
13 years ago
the $64,000 question is:
What does creativecritter think?
I am.. says
13 years ago
andavane: I am an easy going soul who doth not believe in the censoring of those near and dear. Have it. (cozy)
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