At least I am now at John's, I suppose, though.
I have to agree with the sediment there.
you dont look half bad as a troll though evven if sol is a fuck up
I suppose I should thank you for such a comment, backhanded as it may prove to be in the future.
Wow, way to be nice to )(im, -Eridan.
hey, it wwas a compliment
"a fuck up" is a compliment 38?
wwell its true, isn't it?
Truths are not always complimentary, you do realise.
It isn't t)(e trut)( t)(oug)(!
And I agree with you, Feferi.
iit 2ounded liike you 2aiid
2ollux plea2e fiiled my 2hiity hiip2ter gla22e2 wiith bucket2
Okay Not To Sound Unnecessarily Desperate Or Anything But Could You Please Come Rescue Me As Soon As Humanly
Or Well Trolly In This Case
Now Would Be Great In Fact
Rescue you from what? * asks the limpet on kanaya's arm*
* and that's a big sneeze, she remembers the tissue this time, missing kanaya completely*
* breathes a sigh of relief - that was a close one*
Hey Shouldnt You Be Taking Your Medicine
You Still Have Not Ingested The Human Tablets
Why Do You Have To Make This So Difficult
I'm not making it difficult. >:::: (
Look I'll take them. * she puts the tablets in her mouth, swallowing with a pained expression*
And Uh You Might Want To Wash Those Down With Some Tea
Before You Choke To Death
Which Would Be Kind Of Counterproductive
* she takes a gulp of tea*
* and sneezes in the middle of it*
* all of the grossness. All of it.*
* kanaya just sort of... sits there.... for a minute, unblinking, as tea dribbles down her face*
* the silence is truly terrible*
* she sniffs, she's too sick to even notice kanaya's current damp state*
John says 8less you when I sneeze.
* there is a blob of snot on her cheek. she can feel it sliding ever-so-slowly towards her chin. she wants more than a little to cry.*
* she snuggles closer* Yes. It's the nice thing to say. You have something on your face.
I Need To Use The Ablution Trap
* she wriggles out of vriska's grip and flees for her life. where, oh, where is rose?!*
* she tucks the comforter around her and sips her tea, no more kanaya warmth ::::c*