in a blue bowl even cause
thats like your color scheme right
........ Wow, what the fuck time 8oy. You actually put some thought into this?
yeah it took about half an hour to bake right
it should be all soft and warm and kinda cinnamony
It could 8e poisoned. >::::\
and something happens to you
you have permission to kill me
straight to the neck or whatever
I do hope it is poisoned, for the sake of entertainment.
Ooooh. But that is hardily nice at all!
You're not following your promises, David.
ill comb the shit out of your fur later
idk leftovers from dinner
~please go away kawaii puppy-chan~
What the fuck you're going to 8e nice to THAT????????
shh shh vriska sip your soup now
wraps a blanket up over her shoulders and tucks it down
she sneezes at him but takes the spoon dipping it into the soup and taking a mouthful
It is not completely terri8le.
he grabs a tissue and wipes her nose himself, stroking a strand of hair out of her face
she grabs the tissue from him and wipes her own nose before taking another mouthful of the soup You going to sit down?
oh you actually want me to
he settles down beside her, scooting to her side and pulling the blanket a little tighter
Not what I said, time 8oy. she keeps drinking the soup anyway, slurp, slurp, it's almost half gone
he just nods patiently do you want seconds on that
i have crackers or bread if not
W8 till I'm done. she huddles down under the blanket, shifting closer to him a minute amount
he nods, tentatively putting an arm around her shoulders--for warmth of course
she doesn't even blink happy to be even slightly warmer, stupid humans gettingcold all the time You like 8eing a troll?
i like being stronger and the horns are kinda cool
id like to live it out properly, but i know ill never really be able to
and i think its more your guys thing anyway
it got tired after a few days
she sneezes, holding the nearly empty bowl away, shuffling subtly closer as she leans back Glad you see that.
he just nods do you want me to take that to the sink and grab something for you
she sniffs and hands him the bowl Just do whatever.
he gives her another tissue and goes to take it to the sink, walking back with his red and black furred turantula
her face lights up, taking him from him Of course not!
he leans over and reaches out so he can crawl onto her he eats all the bugs that come into my room
hes a lot bigger and all shiny now
she rolls her eyes as he crawls on her hand I know a8out spiders, Dave.
i was just saying im taking care of him
she leans back and holds him up to her face And I can see that.
he sits back down next to her, shutting up to avoid irritating her worse
she leans back onto dave as nick starts walking on her face He's always 8een a gr8 spider.
he smiles vaguely, reaching up to slowly and gently pet it on the back yeah
i didnt know they could be good company
now its never quite like he wasnt around
Spiders are the 8est company!
a nice break from those mangy crows
hes quiet and doesnt peck my face in the morning
she picks him up so she can sneeze And he's fluffier. :::: )
but also completely badass at the same time
Which would 8e why spiders are associ8ed with me!
she puts nick back on her face watching him move Good to know you agree*
he nudges him to walk across her cheek and up onto her head
* and in comes john looking for a glass of milk or something*
she sneezes too fast to be able to take nick off her head Hey, John!
hey vriska! hey... dave? * uh ok you guys are in the same room together are you in a fight what is happening*
* he kind of just. presses himself against the wall instead*
huge thingy - on your face -
dave i think it's eating her, don't just sit there!
starting with her eyeballs
omnomnom taste of spiderbabe
she rolls the eyes in question, all two of them Joooooooohn, she sneezes, long vowels don't work when you're sick he wouldn't eat me!
are you sure he looks pretty hungry. * eyes on that spider at all times*
she plucks him off her face and holds him out towards John No, look he's as friendly as I am!
aaaaaaaand she takes him back Oh.
i think i'll just stay over here...
she holds nick close and leans back on dave Okay........
he frowns and pulls her close, reaching to settle the spider between both of their hands you know he wont hurt you, john
uh huh. * he doesn't move*
hes named after your favorite actor bro
she twists to face dave What? Who told you????????
that doesn't make him nice! *but he takes a slow step closer, staring at the spider *
i mean its pretty obvious
It could have 8een any Nick........ she sinks back into his hold as she pouts
And Joooooooohn, he is totally nice! I wouldn't let you near 8ad spiders!
What? No! He's Nick. >::::|
ughhhh they're all kinda yuck. *but the spider isn't. biting anybody, so he walks over to the pair of them, kind of raising his eyebrows *
*are you two cuddling on a couch. * is this a dream?
he nudges their hands out a little further
Why would this 8e a dream? she sneezes and moves as close as possible to dave
never mind. * he's right in front of them down, staring apprehensively at the spider*
bluhhh... * he reaches out and touches the spider's furry abdomen tentatively, mouth scrunched up a little*
Seeeeeeee, he's adora8le!
it's furry... *NOT SURE IF WANT *
Yes! john. take the spider take it take it taaaaaaaake it
hes just kind of like a little fluffy pet
hell still sit on your shoulder and stay by your side
and chase away the bad guys
(i know youre still scared of ghosts but worry no more
nick cage the spider is here)
uhhhh - wuh! * he flinches as the spider crawls up onto the back of his hand, holding his arm out in front of him, tilting his head away*
ill keep an eye on him so he doesnt leap suddenly
Joooooooohn, why are you scared of him? :::: (
he leaps suddenly? * oh god get it off GET IF OFF*
* he goes perfectly still and quiet, eyes locked onto the spider perching on his hand* ...
How do you progress through the world, if you're scared of something as simple as an arachnid?
Dear boy, I do wonder about you.
No, you should go away. :3
Instead of being so rude all of the time and telling me to.
I mean, goodness, I've hardily done anything wrong!
I was only commenting on your supposed Arachnaphobia.
i would go away if i didn't have this thing on my hand!
youre infecting us with your stink