D --> I have missed being of my
oh your back two normal fef?
ii'm 2tiill 2tuck a2 2ome nook2niiffiing human.
D --> Are you not back to normal Sollu%
D --> I do hope it wears off soon
yeah and im still a troll
ii don't thiink iit ha2 anythiing two do wiith my codiing at thii2 poiint
ii'm ju2t goiing two giive up on that end for now.
:33 < purrhaps it wears off differently fur everyone?
fuck iit whiile ii'm 2tuck on earth ii miight a2 well check 2ome more human 2hiit out
D --> It is an intersting place
Aw... it's too bad I can't come wit)( you anemonemore!
:33 < *ac is going to stay on earth anyway! *
ju2t try not two fliip out and kiill any earth cluckbea2t2
)(mm, o)( w)(y not, I'll stay on -Eart)( as w)(ale.
:33 < *ac is going to wear a full cat suit so silly humans wont freak out at her! *
you know what ii dont care.