avclaire will
13 years ago
listening on Kim Jaejoong-Still in Love.. (music)
latest #13
avclaire says
13 years ago
u take my soul everytime you go...(owh,my.....Yun,Jae need you..) (tears)
avclaire says
13 years ago
it so true..I'm..nothing but a fool for you..but i don't care,i'll always be here..loving you with all I've got..(JAE! ><;-)
avclaire says
13 years ago
I don't care if you love me or not... (heard like he's hurted so much,but still in love) ottohke? Yun,U have to love him back!Love him back!
avclaire says
13 years ago
*yawn......*yawn.....Mmm..someone not fulfill the promise...*half-eyes...looking to my bed.
avclaire says
13 years ago
I....rubb my eyes...can't Yawning hold it..hug tightly my pillows anymore......dream bout Yunho
Rosy says
13 years ago
i'm sorry av...
are you by any chances talked about me?
ah, i'm so so so so so sorry..
blamed my chemichal reaction tasks..
Rosy says
13 years ago
i'm listening ths song too now..
it feels so yunjae...
and, watching hP 7 part2 .. i know, i'm so poor, just now i watched hp..
Rosy says
13 years ago
and, and, and , and it feels so gay as well...
my brain...my brain...
hit my head
avclaire says
13 years ago
Yun!!!you have to pay it other night.. eh?hp7,haha..if it's not my friend who dragged me forcefully,I didn't watch it..haha
avclaire says
13 years ago
what feels so gay? that HP7 part2? or the song?and it's effect ur brain?nyahahaha... (lmao) (rofl)
Rosy says
13 years ago
i guess both..
avclaire says
13 years ago
hahahaha...u should refresh it again then...
Rosy says
13 years ago
actually , how to refresh the brain problem,, i really wanna do it...
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