wwtechgirl is
12 years ago
needing 2 more Karma points so I can change my background!!
latest #9
cmay says
12 years ago
(dance) (smileydance) (banana_ninja) (banana_cool) (banana_rock) (headspin)dance) (smileydance) (banana_ninja) (banana_cool) (banana_rock)
SDSherry says
12 years ago
(dance) (gym) (rock)
cmay says
12 years ago
I was told to go to "like" some of the posts on the Front Page. Doing that will help Karma.
12 years ago
(dance) (dance) (dance)
12 years ago
cmay: I will have to try that!
12 years ago
Or you could just post regularly. That will contribute to your feeling more attached to the community.
12 years ago
Like earning money vs winning it.
12 years ago
And when you are part of the community, karma takes care of itself. :-)
12 years ago
I know, but I just want some now!!! :-) I want to change this hideous background. I will start posting more. See you tomorrow?
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