Jess_JY says
12 years ago
xuan loveyliv jae i'm applying to go to singapore ... if i got hospital to buy my bond most probably go next year
latest #21
xuan says
12 years ago
yo...s'pore so far from me..
Jess_JY says
12 years ago
nvm ... v can meet in kl...
xuan says
12 years ago
gonna b hard lo
Jae says
12 years ago year ar...seriously??
Jae says
12 years ago
can i join u~~ haha
Jess_JY says
12 years ago
if i can get it. can
Jae says
12 years ago
haha after one year i join u la...must let those 3 frm 66 geh go for mid first
loveyliv says
12 years ago
oh gosh...if reli can get thn let me knw...
Jae says
12 years ago
omg..u going too?
loveyliv says
12 years ago
60k nt a small amount eh..sumore my degree stil on-ing..if reli wana go aso nit to wait after 2 yrs..
Jae says
12 years ago 100k..haha
loveyliv says
12 years ago
ur 100k separate de ma...mine??like shit oni
Jae says
12 years ago
hahahaha...same lo
loveyliv says
12 years ago
haish..stupid de lo....5more yrs to go...T.T
Jae says
12 years ago
maybe i'll go too...these few months keep thinking...but feel too bad towards my sister la..
Jess_JY says
12 years ago
vily law u taking degree d a
Jess_JY says
12 years ago
if really buy I giv u the agent no u all try.
Jess_JY says
12 years ago
come la ... v all go sg together ....
Jae says
12 years ago
okok..haha no prob..
loveyliv says
12 years ago prob...
loveyliv says
12 years ago
jing..yaya..i m taking...
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