Jae says
12 years ago
can i have iphone 4s, like SIRI~ haha
latest #15
Archer says
12 years ago
why? next time ask SIRI decide everything for u. XD
Jae: SIRI, what should I have for dinner?
SIRI: Wan Tan Mee! XD
Jae says
12 years ago
yish...haha i just saw one...they tell SIRI i love u, then SIRI ans, please dont tell this to other phones..haha so cute~
Archer says
12 years ago
LOL!!! then can ask SIRI help u plan things also. so convenient. yet, make humanity more lazy. =P
Jae says
12 years ago
oh yea...suitable for lazy ppl like me! :-D
Archer says
12 years ago
U? lazy?
Archer says
12 years ago
Archer says
12 years ago
maybe the 4S will MAKE u lazy only =P
Jae says
12 years ago
it's awesome u dont need to search things by urself...just need to tell SIRI~ making reminder as well~ tempting la
Archer says
12 years ago
ya... can even ask weather forecast... PROVIDED the user's english slang = 100% for SIRI to understand.
Archer says
12 years ago
those who use Singlish habis lah. =P
Archer says
12 years ago
imagine ppl use SIRI to reply sms
User: Reply, KNS, CCB, MCB... XD
Jae says
12 years ago
hahaha can improve my pronunciation..not bad! another bonus~ hahaha
Jae says
12 years ago
i only know KNS, what is CCB n MCB?
Archer says
12 years ago
er... rude words lah! >.<
Jae says
12 years ago
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