iin the back of my miind??
iit2 loud and liike a con2tant buzziing
you're going fucking crazy. it was bound to happen one day.
eh wwhat are you talking about
iit2 a con2tant riingiing everythiing ii2 talkiing at once fuck
doesnt sollux have bees or something
cant you control them to hush a bit
Oh yeah, I almost forgot about the voices.
...I like t)(at jacket. 38)
Voice's inside my head constantly reminding me I'm going to die, that's all there really is to say on the matter.
yeah well ii wa2nt gonna have 2hiity fa2hiion 2en2e on top of thii2 2hiitty body
good two know ii cant waiit untiil you do
meanwhiile how do ii 2hut them up
It's really that siiiiiiimple, just tell them to shut up!
I'd like to be of more help, but I have soooooooo many codes to run. You have no idea.
iill 2hove tho2e code2 up your a22
i don't even want to know if that's possible.
pretty 2ure ii can fiind a way two
That's nothing. Try hearing the irreversible, constant whispering of the darkest creatures in existence.
You've got it rather easy, dear.
But of course you'd have trouble with it, being such a simple and primitively-minded human from the beginning.
I have no idea what you're on about.
I, for one, miss the constant thrum of the universe inside my own head.
take iit ii dont want thi2
Hardily. Perhaps it's only you that is weak.
It wouldn't hurt if you didn't fight it quite so much.
I hate suggesting this, but ask your fishy furrend.
She resides in my body at the moment, so she should know how to help you.
fii2hy furrend get over here
Oh, dear. I've started to make feline puns entirely subconsciously.
He's talking about Feferi you nooksucker.
yeah whatever ii dont care who
ju2t get iit out wow FUCK
S)(ees)(, you're even grouc)(ier t)(an Sollux.
yeah well ii thiink ii have good rea2on two be