cant say ive felt this kawaii for a while
latest #25
All Of This Exchange Of Physical Being Really Is Beginning To Concern Me Now
i have the strangest urge to type like a complete tool!! : D
shit ive gotta get this under control
I know what you mean. I've got the strongest urge to type like a spastic child with a fetishistic affinity for the shift key.
Oh woooooooow, and for the record none of this is my fault.
I've been finding it very hard to beat down the urges characteristically specific to Miss Maryam;
I genuinely hope that you have better luck with it than I have been, Bro.
Because Really It Does Start To Get Quite Tiresome After An Exceedingly Short Space Of Time
I understand your plight.
pretty iironiic iif you a2k me
:33 < * ac is starting to think that ironic means to act cute in publick *
iit2 one of the variiou2 meaniing2 yeah
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