15 years ago
would love to stay in touch with his Plurk friends, but finds the interface too unwieldy. Need something I can tuck into a screen corner.
latest #13
Άτροπος asks
15 years ago
what about the mobile app?
Άτροπος says
15 years ago
they also do Plurk over IM now…
thetristan says
15 years ago
I already use the mobile version, but I'd really like something more like an AIR app or whatnot
thetristan thinks
15 years ago
a single page per conv is kind of a pain for following mult. conv, and the horz timeline in the normal page takes up too much space
Άτροπος says
15 years ago
so something like the iPhone app or Web app would work best?
Άτροπος says
15 years ago
he's already there, I think, Manictastic. This is for those of us to whom Twitter is a wasteland :-)
thetristan has
15 years ago
twhril running on his work machine and runs tweetdeck on his laptop :-)
15 years ago
agrees with thetristan about the unwieldiness of the plurk sideways scroll etc. really inefficient
Άτροπος wonders
15 years ago
how would you improve it?
bunneh says
15 years ago
something more like iPlurk :-)
15 years ago
Atropos I love both Twitter and Plurk for different reasons
15 years ago
thetristan Personally, I love the Plurk page the way it is
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