Asher shares
12 years ago
it's time for another horror show today...
latest #17
aka Laya.F says
12 years ago
pffft lmao
aka Laya.F says
12 years ago
meanie beanie .. you just love making me freak out, i swear :-P - can't wait love lol
Asher says
12 years ago
game for it hun?
aka Laya.F says
12 years ago
for sure :-) you're there so i'm ok ... right ? :-D
Asher says
12 years ago
yes of course. after that i'd fall asleep leaving you all alone
Asher says
12 years ago
but its only a show LOL... it aint true.. nope... no shadows behind you hun... nuthin at all!
aka Laya.F
12 years ago
aka Laya.F
12 years ago
LOL bring it on baby
Asher says
12 years ago
aka Laya.F says
12 years ago
lol i'll just hide behind you at the scary points and stick my fingers in my ears (LOL)
Asher says
12 years ago
you can run, you can hide but... you can never escape...
aka Laya.F thinks
12 years ago
she wouldn't want to :-P muahahahaha .. and wherever i go you're coming with me lol
Asher says
12 years ago
aka Laya.F says
12 years ago
mmhmmm lolol
Asher says
12 years ago
aka Laya.F says
12 years ago
:-P i know that mmmmmmmm ;-) and i'm deplurking before i get you into trouble ;-) (LOL) & myself in such a position that i can't sleep
aka Laya.F says
12 years ago
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