[meme] Mah character and sex
latest #16
I imagine Jamie probably would have a healthy libido/interest in sex if he wasn't freaking out about epic interdimensional war.
I think sex is something he would like to have someday but is far too preoccupied/shy/confused/repressed to think about going after it now.
He grew up a pretty sheltered kid whose exposure to the opposite sex probably fell into one of four categories:
1) Random chicks on other teams. Hello Naomi.
2) Chicks who are trying to kill him because they're part of a criminal organization. Hello Pierce.
3) Ladies on Zi's equivalent of the internet, which is probably still for porn.
Having a fairly strange and limited range of interaction during his formative years he probably has little real idea of how to go about
courting the opposite sex. Though he did pull it off once before in his previous game. That ended up kind of weird though.
He's kind of /unsure about sex because he's under the impression that he had sex with one of his teachers who was involved with
his other personality. They didn't really, but he kept regaining consciousness around her in various states of undress after his
alter took over so that is the conclusion he leapt to. Perhaps not unreasonably.
Shit got weird in the other game. And kind of creepy.
I think I derailed somewhere in here but oh well. Dinner nao.
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