Some would say I'm too hard on myself. But. ^^;
8I I think that just means you're an artist.
That happens to me all the time.
Seriously? But your art is AMAZING. ;w;
Mine is...Uh....Here, I'll link you to the Journal I'm making graphics for.
Seriously. At best, minimalistic lineart seems to be about all I can do with any grade of decency at all. XD;
XD HAHA thank you, but believe me, artists are their own worst critics-- and I frequently have entire illustrations that I just SCRAP
because I don't like how they're turning out.
And then sometimes I stumble across them months later and am like "... Why did I hate this?"
Wow. Somehow, that surprises me to hear, coming from you. XD;
XD Hahaha believe me, it's an artist thing and it's perfectly normal. We're weird.
BUT ANYWAY that looks good! It's appropriately creepy and it makes me think of an ultrasound.
Which is very appropriate.
XD Keee. <3 Yeah. Even his icons have that same minimalistic feel.
Have this one that's all...I swear to god, I don't know if that's him creeper-smile-ing or Troll-Facing. XD
XD I like them! They've very spooky!
XD If nothing else, providing nightmare-fuel feels like an accomplishment.
But. Thank you so much! ;w;
XD I'm still crazy excited for a Walter.
I just hope I don't disappoint. :3
I expect he's going to utterly flip tables when he encounters the "mom" NPC.
I'm also really excited to play Heather off of him-- particularly since I play her as having all of Alessa's memories so!
And also, don't worry about disappointing us! We're really, really easygoing
and we'll be happy to help you out any time you feel shaky with the character.
"Did you sleep well?" "...Who are you?" "I'm your mother!
" "LIAR! YOU ARE NOT MY MOTHER!! DX" etc. etc.
Yeah, you're an artist. "My work sucks; yours is lovely" <-- IF THIS DOES NOT SUM UP YOUR FEELINGS, YOU ARE NOT AN ARTIST.