projectvisual thinks
15 years ago
plurk is overly complicated
latest #16
Snailquake hopes
15 years ago
you stick around for long enough to get the hang of it...
Snailquake says
15 years ago
obviously, you'll know it's laid out as a timeline on which you post little snippets to let the world know what you're up to...
Snailquake says
15 years ago
on top of that, every time you add someone as a friend, their plurks appear on your timeline too, for you to read.
Snailquake says
15 years ago
eventually, you become addicted to replying to the slew of plurks spread across your screen and you forget to eat, sleep, work, or pee.
Snailquake says
15 years ago
by the time you realise that plurk is evil, it will already have your soul and you'll be unable to escape. Ever.
Snailquake says
15 years ago
but apart from that, it's quite nice. You'll see. :-)
Grumba says
15 years ago
ummm- if you're called project visual- why can't you use you visual genius?? (unsure)
mimi thinks
15 years ago
Snailrind said it all! (bye)
projectvisual says
15 years ago
i like a certain type of visual ;-)
projectvisual says
15 years ago
although i like the genius angle :-)
Snailquake wonders
15 years ago
if Grumba invited projectvisual to plurk.
projectvisual says
15 years ago
now that would be telling...
Snailquake is
15 years ago
physik, you know. 8-)
15 years ago
Nah - just give it a day or two, you'll get the hang of it!
15 years ago
Checked out your website, btw. Fascinating photographs - but I couldn't figure out what HDR is/stands for...?
suntigerbaby says
15 years ago
when you have lots of plurks it is like a drug..I leave mine up so I can do a plurk-by when im at the house
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