This is what Lara Pulver, the actress playing Irene in the new episodes has to say about my beloved Miss Adler...
"She is a very flawed, damaged, fearful woman and she has this wonderful mask…"
Sits down and waits patiently
All right, I get the fact that Irene isn't perfect, and that she's not always truthful - call that a mask if you want. I always love to see
extra exploration of the characters. One of the things I love about Sherlock is the emphasis on characters.
Aha! But where's the part where she's a fiendishly clever, charismatic, strong woman, who puts faith in her own feelings and convictions.
Where's the BAMF that I adore and look up to?
I don't want them to lose that and replace it with "Daww, she acts tough but she really needs Sherlock to love her."
I was afraid that would happen, then I got some faith back, and now I'm afraid again!
Also, Miss Pulver said something about Adler and Holmes finding themselves in each other. Which furthers my worries.
Most people prefer to think binary about stuff like that - there is sex and there isnt sex. Thats why you get so much bad fan fic.
It's okay when you write Irene/Mary!
(Because that makes so much sense, seeing as they never meet...)
No one seems to remember that Irene got married in 'A Scandal in Bohemia' either...
Incidentally - what is the picture of on the card you sent me? I've been trying to figure it out - just so I can seem intellectual and junk
Lucky like a fox in a trap.
Oh, the picture's just a Victorian ghost in her undies. In front of a fire place. I've drawn little ghosts on all my cards this year.
Nothing says christmas like a ghost in the altogether.
Oh, you're lucky. One lucky lady is getting a ghost with bloody sockets where her eyes should be.
The fucking kind of christmas wishes are those?!
Oh hi guys, just so you know, your stockings are filled with maiming this year.
No presents for you, just pain and misery
Here you are little girl, this year you get the souls of all the teddies in the wolrd in a box - BUT THEY CANT GET OUT!
It is lovely, wonderful and oh so perfect, PRINCE RUPERT! Tho and this is what I need your help with...
I've mindblanked and cant remember his poodles name
You are never a failure! YOU ARE WINNING AT FORGETTING.
Rupey's poodle was called Boy. :B
I'm really glad you liked the card. I loved the one you sent me - it's on display in our front room!