I know too much about house wares
I speak too enthusiastically about All Clad...
I need to read some friggin Batman
because all anyone asks me about are blenders
and it is a brand of pots and pans
that is like.... the One Ring of cookware
I legit would get married just to get some as a wedding present
that is..... such a big deal I got lightheaded
and then he went and bought Wustof knives, which are top of the line too
that does not sound like the kind of thing you get at IKEA
I was so happy none of the other salespeople were the touchy ones, because they would've been pissed
haha, no-- and NO ONE buys that kinda stuff from Macys
we stock some, but most people come to Macys for sales
and cheap/middling brands
All Clad is like... 125 for a saucepan
it is three layers of effing steel.
Why would they have been pissed? /mystified
no, that was a whole set AND a set of knives AND a stock pot
selhai: because sales people are paid by commission
anyway, this is why I am ethically ok working sales in housewares
so if they were the resentful type, she just 'stole' a customer who could have bought the stuff from them
because the expensive stuff is usually US made AND something people really get good use out of
to feed their families with, and pass down-- not purses of something
and yes, that is exactly why.
Oh! You mean they'd get envious of you.
it is like sharks hunting, in commission sales.
well, and they might even say they pegged the person as a sale first-- if they even said hello.
some people kick up a fuss, and will go so far as to take it to a manager
I thought you meant the customer was difficult in some manner that might anger a touchy salesperson.
and the sad thing is-- it's because some people DO steal sales... even go into other sections and sell their stuff :/
(I was speculating that "1125" might be sales code for "Tricky Customer ^_^)
....that's just wrong, ugh
and most of our sales ladies are older and slower moving, so I always try to help them out-- and not jump in front of them
I don't get just commission, either-- it's draw vs commision
Does working on commission mean people in sales are less likely to help each other out?
Or can it be an "I'll scratch your back this time, you scratch mine next" kind of deal?
...well, it depend on people. And you know how people are. I come off as pretty ...ingratiating? And not threatening.
so the older ladies all like me very well.
it's the full timers who are ouchy
because they work all day, some for years, and then Macys brings in a TON of new hires just for the holiday rush
and suddenly they have to compete with all of these less competent part timers
i'd be pissed too, personally, lol
I learn.... fast. I have discovered. And work at night, so i've avoided most of this.
OH, for sure-- that is why I just stay out of their way. I mean... I'm not really a money-motivated person? Even though I NEED it...
so I just busy myself re-stocking stuff and tidying up when I sense someone feels threatened
because frankly? after two weeks, I've found that I am ... a pretty good salesperson XD I move fast, and speak articulately
some of the older ladies also argue with customers, which I NEVER do.
so I could take advantage, and have to be careful that I am not by accident.
because I'd rather get along with the people I see all day than make a higher commission, frankly.
I just want to meet my sales goals-- or I don't make commission at ALL.
....who argues with customers
so today? I had to sell $1456 worth of wares.
unless they're being rude
oh lord, most salespeople.
this is not good customer service, people...
Tiger Cow: Not that high class, but over here IKEA sells plenty of kitchenware
and the customers try to cheat the store very often.
this is a coupon and sudden sale fueled department store.
I have had to call in a manager every single day for someone, to prove I couldn't take a coupon for XYZ
or that no, I cannot give you this item for the morning sale price because.... it is 8pm
and I hedge a lot-- I could even get in trouble, some days
heck, I have people wanting me to price match other stores for items already on sale, which I can't do without approval
and then when a coupon doesn't work, people want to take out their frustration on you.
and I am one of the only sales people who never, never argues or qualifies. Not that I blame some-- they are older and REALLY tired
of doing the same thing day after day, all day.
when really it's something people should have checked themselves.