steveEkatos loves
12 years ago
I just Love it when linden labs thinks they have to do updates on the weekend when that is when most people log on to second life i wonder?
latest #8
steveEkatos says
12 years ago
lol yep people think big operation would be running it but in fact would be lucky to say if they 4 full time employees
steveEkatos says
12 years ago
ha i know right
steveEkatos says
12 years ago
funny thing is its a endless amount of updates i see people closin down their sims left and right
steveEkatos says
12 years ago
i beleive in 2012 their will be a new form of virtual reality worlds a platform no one could ever imagine
steveEkatos says
12 years ago
so much new technology out their just not released to the public yet
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