winstontam asks
13 years ago
任何人使用中華電信Hinet上網ma?很多網站受到封鎖. 中華電信是世界第四大垃圾郵件發送者. 我需要新的internet,任何建議ma?I like cable not ASDL. 謝謝
latest #35
winstontam says
13 years ago
我不能接取我工作的 FTP...
winstontam says
13 years ago
They give me stupid fix "use their proxy server" - not acceptable.
cable modem is not as good as adsl
in Tw
there is probably some misunderstanding between you and HiNet
chunghwa telecom is almost best ISP in Taiwan
shaojung says
13 years ago
You can use SEEDNET as ADSL. You can choose cable depends on you region. Contact to the Cable TV company.
Your FTP connection normally shouldn't be blocked by CHT
Maybe some another problem exist
shaojung says
13 years ago
Can you tell us where your FTP is or use private plurk to me.
winstontam says
13 years ago
I called chunghwa tech and did tracert to my host in Canada and FTP unable to connect!
winstontam says
13 years ago
Then I called tech of my host in canada and they open investigation, say chunghwa has many issues with their servers.
shaojung says
13 years ago
I use SEEDNET and I can reach the host....
I use hinet. I can reach host too
winstontam says
13 years ago
My host and some internet forums says some hinet servers are banned but not all. So I think just bad luck for me. so 麻煩 man!
It's seems you have to use another ISP to get better connection quality.
winstontam says
13 years ago
SEEDNET is good? what else can compare?
winstontam: I think you can ask host forum and seednet. Seednet must promise the connection of your host too.
Why the host block CHT connection?
winstontam says
13 years ago
ccdna: I just talked to hinet, they will investigate more they say. I give them one more chance then I will switch. But I have 2yr contract
shaojung says
13 years ago
因為 1. 中華電信的 ADSL 寄出太多垃圾信 2. 因為台灣有太多電腦身為殭屍而不自知.... 然後很多從中華電信 ADSL 發動攻擊.
winstontam says
13 years ago
ccdna: my host is not blocking me, they just say hinet servers have problems and some routing route is refused
winstontam says
13 years ago
shaojung: You are correct
winstontam: will CHT fix this problem?
shaojung says
13 years ago
ccdna: 這問題不是 CHT 產生的,是從 CHT 一直連到加拿大的網路中間,有人把CHT 的流量擋下來了造成的....
shaojung: 原來如此 那就頭大了
shaojung says
13 years ago
winstontam: I can provide a VPN for you temporary.... do you need it ?
winstontam says
13 years ago
shaojung: I am ok for next few days, CHT will call me back later to provide solution. If not I will just argue, cancel and go with Seednet
winstontam says
13 years ago
Thanks for all the help. CHT rerouted me and gave me new IP, everything is working again. ;-)
13 years ago
so, some IP is blocked and some is okay for use.
winstontam says
13 years ago
shaojung: yes, some is ok, some is block. strange....
shaojung says
13 years ago
Maybe some IPs are assigned for CHT in early years, there are full of spam mails. The IPs assigned for CHT recently may be clean IPs.. :-P
明日的記憶 says
13 years ago
PPPOE is getting a random IP from hinet.
明日的記憶 says
13 years ago
Perhaps, some websites are in hinet black list.
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