chrisbrogan is
16 years ago
adding back friends, because I had to.
latest #31
seerysm asks
16 years ago
what happened?
LEMills asks
16 years ago
are you really here? Welcome to conversation-land. Actual conversations. Also, VeryADD, but the convos are worth it.
acnatta says
16 years ago
hope all's well Chris... hopefully I'll see you at BlogWorld in Sept.
Jinfinite8 says
16 years ago
How-d Chris, good to see you here. Echoing seerysm's question?
sdohrn says
16 years ago
welcome to plurk
chrisbrogan says
16 years ago
I'm not sure I'm really here. It's interesting-ish, but is it better than Twitter?
larrylawfer says
16 years ago
Happy Fathers Day
johntindale says
16 years ago
gotcha, happy father's day!
jjprojects says
16 years ago
Better? Not sure, it's different. I like them both. Not sure I like the Karma thing. There have been some long thread though.
chrisbrogan says
16 years ago
Well thanks, everyone. Happy Father's Day to the dads, etc. : )
MackCollier says
16 years ago
Chris it's different than Twitter. 2 diff experiences, I like both.
seerysm says
16 years ago
They are different animals. I have no plans to abandon twitter now that Plurk exists. Threaded convos on Plurk are really worth exploring
finucane says
16 years ago
I enjoy both to, but I've noticed that I check Plurk before Twitter now if that counts for anything.
seerysm says
16 years ago
I actually do the same...unless I am traveling and/or not in front of my computer - Twitter first in those cases 'cause of SMS alerts
LEMills says
16 years ago
Let's just say that if you asked a question here, people could answer in the dropdown. Think of the time that would save.
16 years ago
dickieadams says
16 years ago
don't forget me while you are in that process. ;-) Welcome to Plurk
16 years ago
Love the convos here, still update and read my tweeples who are missing here... happy to have U here if we R not friends pls add :-)
Beth Harte says
16 years ago
Welcome to Plurk Chris! Glad to see that you are at least willing to try it out.
justinmwhitaker says
16 years ago
It's different than twitter, not sure it is better. Add me to your friend's list if you haven't already.
CookingUpAStory says
16 years ago
welcome to Plurk, Chris. Just read your newsletter and no surprise it was on your list! Karma keeps you hoppin' (s_bye)
PhishFrye says
16 years ago
Plurk is more conversation-oriented whereas Twitter is like eavesdropping. The point of it seems to be voyeurism. Here it's relationships.
PhishFrye says
16 years ago
albeit in 140 characters or less ;-)
kevinks says
16 years ago
Glad to see ya on Plurk. It's my favorite non-twitter microblog platform. Actually favorite overall!
BarbaraKB says
16 years ago
(g_rock_n_roll) ROCKSTAR MAN... welcome to... emoticon silliness & karma stupidity (g_applause)
erinely says
16 years ago
Hi Chris, I'm still trying to figure out plurk, have been here for a few weeks but it's different..
Grumba says
16 years ago
schtttttrrppp! X-(
mcbsconsulting asks
16 years ago
If I was a friend you had to add back, or did you keep me in the cull? :-P
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