香水公司 says
12 years ago
i will be happy if you ignore me because of the wrong relationship
latest #15
800跑不掉 says
12 years ago
who are u talking about?
MiCut says
12 years ago
What's up?? :-o
香水公司 says
12 years ago
the one in my heart
MiCut says
12 years ago
埃...相遇就是緣分 順其自然吧..
香水公司 says
12 years ago
MiCut says
12 years ago
800跑不掉 says
12 years ago
osirisking: tell me more about that guy =))
香水公司 says
12 years ago
i think you should know who the guy is
800跑不掉 says
12 years ago
Mr. Lin ?
香水公司 says
12 years ago
who is that guy??
800跑不掉 says
12 years ago
maybe he is a bad friend XD
香水公司 says
12 years ago
oh oh oh not it
香水公司 says
12 years ago
it is not a guy
800跑不掉 says
12 years ago
so who
香水公司 says
12 years ago
dont act sillily
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