12 years ago
What are some of your best memories from 2011?
latest #9
Nethound says
12 years ago
I took up beekeeping this year, and seeing my first hive produce it's first bar of comb is a pleasant memory.
Curt Hart
12 years ago
StrangeTeaParty: You are my best memory of 2011. Love you muchly
Ori0n says
12 years ago
Meeting and falling for ollieisaok stands out at top, prop building with Oniyagi, and all our SCGBPD activities
Ori0n says
12 years ago
Filming V101
12 years ago
D'aw... cute Curt! And DAMN that's a hard question... so many wonderful things this year. Will come back!
12 years ago
Not sure.
12 years ago
being nominated as the first Western ninja pope
Ori0n says
12 years ago
Nethound says
12 years ago
Damn, as the first western ninja bishop it seems that you outrank me.
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