Misknits says
15 years ago
there were 800 people denied from the loopy sock group. Holy cow!
latest #7
LittleWit says
15 years ago
good grief! No wonder I can't yarn during sneak ups.
hollywould says
15 years ago
wow! at least it wasn't just me they were excluding.
15 years ago
that blows me away.
stariel says
15 years ago
I got denied last year. :-( I didn't try this year.
hollywould says
15 years ago
next year you are trying stariel. it could be our year. :-D how do you do the linky name thingy?
stariel says
15 years ago
For the linky name thing you type @ before the name. And yes, next year might just be our year. I'm hoping. ;-)
hollywould says
15 years ago
thank you. dude, if we don't get in the three of us are storming up there to make.our.points.
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