SEM! is
15 years ago
happy for his new friends (K)
latest #6
GeeTee says
15 years ago
that shes is a new ferend too..Gil ,khodash ra be an rah mizanad va hameye inha ra be khodash migirad:-)):-))..LOL:-D
SEM! wonders
15 years ago
who`r they,but u`r wellcom GITI here (K)
GeeTee wants
15 years ago
to make an aoplogy,coz NOW SHE SEESSS that she wrote this cooment for Gipsy??!! :'-(..she thought that she is writing this for someone else:
GeeTee feels
15 years ago
so stupid..she is not good in plurking..Gawdddd..SHES IS LAUGHING HER ASS OFF :-))))coz she doesnt have any other choice (woot)
SEM! says
15 years ago
this is the best thing that we can do buddy...keep doin it
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