derpy blue girlfriend come to my arms
my face whenever liara says anything

nono, this one.
rofl, that's me and miranda
hay baby wanna transcend time and space with me
idk why i like liara so much, she's not even my type
she is just... so... cute
i'm an awkward alien virgin take me now
i will leave my helmet on
mellie you are so gay for miranada
:| so very gay for her wonderful curves, her adorable accent, her hair.
we should get together soon to talk about our mass effect wives
I think it shall be no sooner than our jan 19th date, though
are you working like a fiend?
unless my manager stops scheduling me 6 days a week ;;
/does not belong in this plurk but MASS EFFEEEECT
tell your manager you need girl time
so you can come over and we can brush our pets and talk about vidjagames
this is a plurk about mass effect of course you belong in here
ahaha, furminating parties
i am driving the stupid mako thing around and being terrible at it as usual
oh now it's moving by itself it doesn't need me anymore
lmao the game is like you're about to die i might as well just drive off this alien highway for you
oh boy shepard really is jesus
I'll take Meaningful Names for 500, Alex
i am replaying the first one before i start the second
and also to touch liara's boobies
LMAO I did that too and then got
I was so happy i had a liara romance playthrough for ME2 though
there's a lot of stuff with her :3
one day someone will play a shep who romanced her so i can rp adorable shippy things
I expected her to be more popular than kaidan or ashley tbh
but no one likes her except me :c
I love her
i am glad, we can be all alone in our liara corner
I romanced her in one of my playthroughs, we can meme it up?
i totally do memes i have a musebox even
that works also! we should do this sometime. When I'm.... actually conscious.
I don't really like Kaidan or Ashley and Ashley is straight anyway
But Liara is cute so whatever I don't care
yes definitely. when i am also conscious and have set up liara's journal
ashley is kind of a jerk!!!!! but i like her anyway and kaidan is a boy and i pretty much automatically don't care that much about boys oops
unless they are aliens or something /le shrug
I did like Kaidan infinitely more than Jacob, though.
i wish you could jump in this game
srsly :C I love jumping all the time for no raisin
yes lmao in all the games i bounce errywhurr
I don't even walk. I jump.
Shepard: /bounce bounce bounce
Squadmates: /following, walking with authority like usual
I constantly press a in hopes she magically gains the ability to jump :|
Final Fantasy XIII is beautiful that way--every so often, IT WORKS
xiii-2 you will be able to jump WHENEVER YOU WANT
also mellie i preordered xiii-2 from gamestop and then the fancy edition from amazon, i can give you the gamestop copy if you would like
perchance I will be able to pay you back by that time if I can be all fancy with serving and make monies :3
otherwise I will make you all the juice forever
and we can have beautiful lives
you do not have to pay me back, it can be another christmas present since i got one thing and there are two of you
:'D When we do date night, we can go to the store and buy fruit and juice like hellllll
yes i am so excited for this!!
and my juicer cleans like a dream and everything can be perfect and brilliant :'D
we can do something with the immersion blender too
this reminds me I have homemade sketti sauce in the fridge that is too delicious to waste. I will need to consume it all tomorrow
wednesday night sometime I guess we can head your way, spend the night maybe?
and then have all day thursday for juice, cooking, furminating, movieing
because otherwise we'd get up at like 3pm.
not hurry over because of traffic.
and get there at 7pm and have a lame day
everything is glorious :'D
I have nothing that can top that.
we can have a popcorn and food and animu night
how many episodes of that are there?
too many to do in one night
but we can get you hooked ;D
And then leave you wanting more like excellent drug dealers
we have a lot of things we need to watch!
anything longer and I lose focus :|
I think eric and I watched the entire second season in one day |D
i am pretty good at show marathons
when i am with other people
if it's just me i get distracted