Just Suri says
12 years ago
at times I feel overwhelmed by the number of bargain hunting events. Then again it doesn't take very much for me to feel overwhelmed.
latest #12
12 years ago
ooohna. says
12 years ago
I agree with you.
ooohna. says
12 years ago
me too.
Just Suri
12 years ago
I always forget which ones I have been too
Just Suri
12 years ago
12 years ago
i was actually contemplating focusing on just buying beautiful, full price items that i've been eyeing and not chasing after the other stuff
Just Suri
12 years ago
Nissa_Nightfire: i think that is another issue my inventory this year has been so out of control, but it is those limited items
Just Suri
12 years ago
or deals
Just Suri
12 years ago
the problem is i just buy everything instead of sticking with the plan
ooohna. says
12 years ago
yeah, I agree with you. there are nice things in these events though. it would be easy if there wasn't nice things. lol
Just Suri
12 years ago
I am just all ahhhh!!!
12 years ago
i know! me too -- there are lovely things... I buy them all! and then don't always get to wear them enough to enjoy them
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